Loving Care Animal Hospital

 Loving Care Animal Hospital

Loving Care because pets are family.
 Their goal is to provide the highest standard of veterinary care in a compassionate manner, to develop an open, honest alliance with our clients and to celebrate the human animal bond. They realize that your animal companions are beloved family members and we strive to treat them with special attention.  They strongly adhere to the belief that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Comprehensive physical examinations are recommended at least yearly with appropriate vaccinations for any diseases which your pet may be susceptible to. Senior Wellness Programs are designed to keep those pets over seven years happy and healthy into their golden years.

Barbie makes her regular visits to Dr. Gellatly, who insists that check ups are most important to stay in good health.

Brushing Your Dog's Teeth

Dr. Gellatly talks about brushing your dog's teeth, and more information from their web-site or by calling 
444 E. Northwest Highway, PalatineIL 60074 Phone: (847) 963-8887


  1. Thank you for telling us about the Loving Care Animal Hospital, we have driven by the clinic over a thousand times and never gave it a thought as to who or what they stand for, now that we know that Barbie goes there we will call them for an appointment. I did check out their web site, it has many of the questions i wish to ask about including if aspirins are safe for my puppy.

  2. Oh my gosh! that's where I go. Dr Gellatly is fantastic, did you know they have their own grooming there, Thank you so much for posting


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